KFed makes desperate bid for attention

Not to be outdone by his estranged wife's recent publicity extravaganza, Kevin Federline had his lawyer's rep invite the media to a dinner "event" with KFed. Federline's people then issued a ridiculous press release hoping to spread the word that their client had cultivated a new image and was hoping to land a few movie roles. "Upon leaving the restaurant Kevin was met and interviewed by EXTRA and E! which will air Wednesay," the release says. "Life + Style and the Sun asked questions and Kevin responded to them, while a reporter from People magazine looked on. They were all interested about what Kevin was up to with his career and treated him with much respect." As to Federline's new "image," the release described him as "...wearing a fabulous well-stated sport jacket with open collar shirt...gone were his signature gold chains that he wore around his neck." Federline told the press he has a few "offers" he is considering, and when asked where he sees himself in a year, the ex-Mr. Spears responded, "Making movies!" Yeah...righhhht.