Mariah Carey's legal battle with a porn star

Mariah Carey and porn-star turned politician Mary Carey are in a legal battle to trademark the name Mary Carey. The California gubernatorial candidate applied to trademark the name and in turn received a threatening letter from Mariah Carey's reps requesting that she use her name for "adult entertainment" only, that she not sing or perform music, and stating, "Mary Carey and Mariah Carey share the identical surname and have first names that are very similar. Confusion between your client and her Mary Carey trademark and our client and its Mariah Carey trademark is therefore likely." The Grammy winner's rep sent the letter in part because the former porn star plans to do video and audio recordings under the name Mary Carey. "I'm ready to battle Mariah over this because I've been Mary Carey for a long time," Mary says of the issue. "It's kind of funny because I'm a porn star and I've been being myself for a long time. I think she's being silly."