Rachel Bilson Drank Alcohol To Get Through Sex Scenes

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Rachel Bilson has admitted that she drank alcohol to get through sex scenes in her new movie Jumper.

The former OC star said that despite filming more revealing scenes in previous movies, she was still fraught with nerves before shooting romantic scenes with Hayden Christensen.

She told the Daily Telegraph:

“I remember Hayden and I were both like, ‘Let’s drink a shot or something to calm our nerves.’ Because it’s just so awkward.

“I mean, this was a very mild scene compared to the one in The Last Kiss, but it was still nerve-wracking. I don’t think that’s ever going to be a comfortable thing for me.

“It’s just something that goes against nature.”

Rachel Bilson has previously stated that she will never appear nude onscreen because she believes she can be ’sexy’ without stripping off.