Pussycat Dolls Fined for Being Too Sexy

Pussycat-Dolls-Fined for Being-Too-Sexy

The girl group - famed for their raunchy routines - must pay $3,400 for flashing body parts during a concert in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, last July.

During the routine, Carmit Bachar, who has since left the group, exposed a breast while Ashley Roberts was accused of revealing her private parts after her tiny pair of shorts left little to the imagination.

Promoters Absolute Entertainment were fined for allowing their act to perform “sexually suggestive” routines in the strict Muslim country.

The penalty was imposed by the council which manages the Kuala Lumpur suburb where the event took place.

The fine followed a complaint from Malaysia’s culture minister Rais Yatim, who said the group’s concert featured “scantily dressed performers” and “sensuous elements”.

He added: “I believe the way the Pussycat Dolls behaved on stage amounted to gross indecency,”

God Bless the Pussycat Dolls!

Pussycat-Dolls-Fined for Being-Too-Sexy Pussycat-Dolls-Fined for Being-Too-Sexy Pussycat-Dolls-Fined for Being-Too-Sexy