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Japanese designer Kazuyuki Kumagai (カズユキ クマガイ) was trained by Issey Miyake who taught him the importance of craftwork the hard way. He then started his own brand a decade ago, basing his clothing lines on craftsmanship. This season's collection, which is no exception, is all about Oliver Twist and Nicholas Nickleby in "the little warehouse off the prairie". The old-style city boys wore awesome bow ties, flat caps, bowlers -quite en vogue nowadays as you know- or top hats, and waistcoats (Tom Ford staples as well) and big boots (this season's must-have) were de rigueur. The hue palette comprehended a range of grays and blacks, and a fab maroon for velvet to look even more foppish. Kazuyuki Kumagai wanted dandies to dress up seriatim, his were confident during their humdinger performance to create a sensation. The collection is an open door to reveries or memories. How about that !