Kim Kardashian in Glamour Magazine

Meet your host for Glamour mags Guy Issue: Who else? Kim Kardashian! Katie Couric got the scoop on the woman inside that insane body as they

talked about everything from her career and dating life to her famous sex symbol status.

Photographed on her thirtieth birthday in New York City by Terry Tsiolis, Kim graces the cover in Tom Ford pajamas, a La Perla bra and a Sarah Chloe ring.

In the opening spread, she is seen in a Dolce & Gabbana bustier with matching skirt and Glamour’s own horseshoe charm necklace. In the pages that follow, she dons a Marc Jacobs dress that makes her look like a goddess!
The issue is available on the Glamour app and newsstands nationwide on January 11.

Kim Kardashian's QUOTES from the interview:

On her success…
“I’d be foolish not to take some of these opportunities that are coming my way. We all know this can go away at any moment.”

On her sisters…
“We work really hard, and we fight like normal sisters fight, and we make up. We’re so supportive of each other. We always stick together. Having lots of siblings is like having built-in best friends.”

On dating…
“It’s easier to just be single and not have a relationship. How do you get to know someone on a reality show? Some people think that they can handle it, and then they really can’t.”

On being a sex symbol…
“It’s definitely powerful. I don’t find myself as sexy as everyone thinks. I’m a lot more insecure than people would assume, but with little stupid things. When I get dressed, I’m always so indecisive.”

On being in Playboy…
“It was an independence thing for me. I was always by the book, such the straight arrow when it came to pleasing my parents and being a good daughter. I felt like this was one decision that only I could make. And I think it looks great. I’ll have those pictures forever.”

On having every aspect of her family’s life recorded…
“If there’s something that we’re going through, it’s going to get out anyway. It’ll be on the cover of a tabloid, and it’ll be twisted the completely wrong way. So why not tell our story?”

On women being comfortable with their body…
“It’s a process. You have to learn to accept it. You have to learn to like what you see in the mirror. There are definitely times when I don’t feel like myself, but you have to fake it until you make it.”

On what she thought she’d be doing at 30…
“If you had asked me five years ago what I would be doing at 30, I would have said, ‘Married with a kid or two.’ Not in a million years did I dream that I would be doing all the things that I’m doing.”