First pictures of Madonna & Guy Ritchie together 2008

Madonna and Guy Ritchie First pictures

Madonna & Guy Ritchie went for some couple time together at Harry’s Bar & Grill in London’s Mayfair. This dinner on Tuesday night, Mar. 18 was their first public outing since their family holiday in India in early Jan. this year. Ths public show of affection was meant to dispel rumors that their 7 year old marriage was in crisis.

John Ritchie, Guy’s father, said that Guy wanted to remain in the UK because of his working preferences. Madonna wanted to be in New York or somewhere else in the US. On Monday night, Madonna had a dinner date with Gwyneth Paltrow, her fellow American immigrant. Gwyneth also shared similar circumstances with Madonna. She had an English husband, and children in the UK while her work projects were in the US.