Li-Lo: Stressful job led to drugs – Lindsay Lohan


It’s a hard life.

Despite an impressive filmography, tonnes of cash and gorgeous looks – Lindsay Lohan is worried she is already a Hollywood burnout at the tender age of 21.

In a frank interview with Paper magazine, the actress blamed her flirtation with drugs on her stressful job and revealed she’s desperate for employment again.

Defending last year’s hard-partying spell, she said: “I had a lot going on in my life and that was a way of hiding from it. I had a lot of work stress because I was constantly working and never took time to stop. Everything was go-go-go and the easiest thing was to run away from it, going out and drinking at night. You know, you don’t have to think when you let go sometimes. But I didn’t realize it was getting in the way of my work - what I’ve worked for my whole life.”

But her stint in rehab clearly gave her a reality check.

The Mean Girls star said: “I was so used to working and working and working, and for a good few months there was nothing for me to do. Now I know what it’s like to be an out-of-work actor and how much it scares me.”