Latest on Chris Brown assaulting Rihanna with deadly weapon and other news

Wrigley's is now suspending Double Mint ads featuring the 19 yr old singer until "things get cleared up". The company stopped short of saying they will drop the troubled R&B star completely. Wrigely also added that the 19-year-old should be "afforded the same due process as any citizen." Something with which I couldn't agree more.

Worse, is that Chris Brown may be looking at 9 years in prison. This due to the fact that he wasn't booked for domestic abuse, but instead for making serious threats, which is much serious and can get you double time in jail.

Law enforcement sources tell us they typically book a suspect for the most
serious crime they can be charged with -- it's then up to the D.A. to file any
additional charges.Given there were allegedly visible injuries, the crime of
making criminal threats is punishable by up to nine years in prison. Domestic
abuse is four years.

Innitially Chris was also booked for assault with a deadly weapon, but later turned out the police report wasn't correct and there was no weapon involved. Just Chris Browns fists of fury.
Rumor has it he hit and bit her several times, yet she isn't wanting to press charges.