Brandon Fox (part 2) - interviews

Lestat : How do you feel about modeling and what do you like most in it ?
Brandon : I feel like it allows people to create - both photographer and model. I enjoy taking on different roles, making a shoot into a story, and seeing different parts of a city.
Lestat : What’s a working day like ?
Brandon : It all depends on the job. But I guess they all do share similarities. Typical day : I get up an hour late, and make it to the shoot on time. Days that I have the opportunity to rest, I'll go home to Philadelphia and stay with my brother. He takes me to baseball games and gives me chocolate milk.
Lestat : OK, so where do you live in New York City now ?
Brandon : Right now I'm staying in Queens.
Lestat : Who / what inspires you most in life in general ?
Brandon : Musicians and writers give me the most inspiration out of anything. They have the most talent out of any of us.
Lestat : How was your latest assignment and what was the job like ?
Brandon : One of, if not the best. I 'played' a loner, nomad, wanderer, etc. We did a ton of different looks and went out on this extremely intricate rooftop. There was a watertower, several gardens, walls, and different odds & ends you would never expect to see on a roof. I wore scarves and dirty, ripped up old clothes. So a lot of my clothes made it into the shots.
Lestat : What are your hobbies ? Tell me about your tattoo on your right elbow...
Brandon : I love all forms of art. I'm no good, but I like to pretend. Oh, the tattoo. Well, it has to do with my birthday, an uncle, good luck, and a name. It's my animal farm.
Lestat : What are your projects ?
Brandon : Well, Paris is in the works. We're planning on January, I think. London is also coming soon. I hope.
Lestat : What would be the perfect next assignment like ?
Brandon : I'd love to go somewhere in the country. As long as I have a chance to see something worth looking at - that's all I ask. I mean, I'm not expecting salvation from a shoot or anything, ya know ! We're not curing cancer here.
Lestat : Is love important to you ?
Brandon : Yeah, probably the most important thing there is. It justifies and gives reason to the idiotic things you've done in your life.
Lestat : What do you wear to bed ?
Brandon : A parka and wool pants ;-)
Lestat : LOL, good one !... OK, er, and do you spend much time on the Internet ?
Brandon : I truthfully don't. But it looks like fun.
Lestat : Answer the question you’d like to be asked.
Brandon : "Wow. Can't believe you made it".
(Lestat as an aside: "Gosh, what the heck was the question ?!")