Rene Gurskov

"Do you really want to hurt me ?", Culture Club's 1980s hit was the inspiration for this season's collection. Rene Gurskov thought over rivalry as a sign of showing off, rivalry inside one's mind, rivalry about the very definition of today's man, the quarrel between guilt and pleasure, between oneself and the other self in the mirror. This dystopian collection explores the tougher side of men's dressing up, considering the aesthetics of European small town culture. And yes, it's about Boy George growing up in Northern England, finding his style and his way. Chavs with tatoos and a bloody nose, harsch disco glam and an ugly dog, skinheads with a heart of gold : this is England... at least, as seen with Danish eyes and Rene Gurskov's own memory or nostalgia. Tight jeans or riding pants with knee-high Doc Martens boots, long check pattern shirts and matching scarves done up with sequins, tatoo-printed woolen knit and updated bomber jacket, homely cardigans and leather waiscoats, all is black in the collection, with hints of white, red and steel. This seems to be the trend-right selection to give a small town boy next door a chance to look scally, even with a soppy heart and good manners.
Og som altid, tak for musikken !

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