Paolo Meneguzzi

Paolo Meneguzzi, 32, is an Italian-Swiss pop singer. Paolo studia, canta, suona la chitarra e durante l'adolescenza forma alcuni gruppi musicali, suonando classici brani italiani e alcuni pezzi propri. Back in 1996, while the name Paolo Meneguzzi was still unknown in Italy, he won the Viña del Mar International Song Festival held in Chile with the song "Aria, Ariò". The success of the song prompted the release of his début album "Por Amor" in 1997. Paolo Meneguzzi continued to build his career with the release of another album, which contained the anticipated single, "Si enamorarse". His Italian début occurred with his participation in the young artist section at the Sanremo Music Festival in 2001. His song "Ed io non ci sto più" earned him seventh place. In 2008, he released his fifth studio album entitled "Corro Via".