Dolce & Gabbana (part 2)

Dolce & Gabbana have never been a duet to rest on their laurels, and so their new collection shows their innovative and playful sides in full flow. Sunglasses and garishly gold trousers might be the most obvious example of this joie de vivre, but there's everything from a tongue-in-cheek pair of minute swimming trunks to coats that look as if they could be worn on the moon to contend with. In a fairly large collection, the range of ideas and subjects is vast, taking in anything from "builder chic" to continuing last season's trend for wearable evening dress. The puritanical might carp that there's just too much going on to be able to take in, but the range of ideas, flair and humor here mean that the dynamic duo have yet again shown the brilliance that they are capable of.