Bernhard Willhelm -video

Bernhard Willhelm decided to throw his menswear show in an old train station in Berlin displaying his colourful collection in an installation more akin to a modern art exhibition than a fashion show. Skiing in Berlin sounds crazy ? That’s pretty much of usual Willhelm’s aesthetics.
Dixit :
To see the runners and the jumpers in action on the wintery landscape of Innsbruck in 1976.
Men bearing traces of the winter olympic games, the adventure of cross-country skiing, hiking on ski, stepping through the winter wonderland on a piece of wood. At the outset, there was the run.
Our fall/winter 09/10 men’s collection is not a ski collection only, but a striped cross-breed.
Skiing works not wonders, these are facts. Believe me.
PS : In Innsbruck back in 1976, the result of the downhill competition was declared as “set back” for the Austrians, as “a black day” in Switzerland and as “crowning of Rosi” in Germany.
PPS : The spectacle of the high performance is not happening in Waldmoos or in Kirchenwald, but in the old Postbahnhof in Berlin. An experimental mountain made of wood and various objects is surrounding the models in their wintery, sporty and sometimes scanty outfits.
The Models are going to wear boots from the “Bernhard Willhelm Camper Together”
collection. Metal ski googles with reflecting glasses, which were made in collaboration with Mykita Berlin, are matching to the ski outfits.