Wooyoungmi in 10men #18 (part 4) Adrien Sahores (part 3)

This colorful editorial about Korean designer Woo Young Mi features a short interview by Richard Gray talking togs. French model Adrien Sahores styled by Hector Castro, wearing Wooyoungmi head to toe, was shot by Marcelo Krasilcic for the current issue of Brit fash mag 10men.
You know when there's so much hype surrounding a designer and you turn up to the show and leave feeling a bit let down ? And you think : "What's the flocking point anyway ? It's all fluff, it's all spin". Well, here's the antidote : WOOYOUNGMI. We can't get enough of it. This is something to do with her brilliant skill with a scalpel and uncanny ability to understand menswear.